How much does the average female fertility evaluation cost?

3 min readNov 23, 2022


The average cost of female fertility treatment depends on specific factors. It begins with the health condition, age factor, and the efforts involved for a gynecologist to treat a female patient. The treatment procedure begins with fertility evaluation, which helps you determine a patient’s chances to conceive a baby naturally. The cost varies from fertility drugs to In vitro fertilization (IVF). However, the treatment options would also depend on one patient’s case to another.

Types and cost of female fertility evaluation

Technology improved by leaps and bounds in every aspect. Artificial fertility treatment is one among them.

Types and cost of evaluation test

The fertility evaluation cost varies from Rs. 500 to Rs. 140,000. It would cost around Rs. 500 for a basic thyroid test. A woman’s fertility depends on her ovary releasing healthy eggs for her fertility. The types of fertility tests are:

  • Ovulation testing — In ovulation testing, a simple blood test gets conducted for measuring the hormone levels to derive the ovulation level.
  • Hysterosalpingography — Hysterosalpingography examines the condition of the uterus fallopian tubes to check the blockages or any other issues. It involves injecting an X-ray into your uterus to find out the normalcy of the cavity and the fluid spills of your fallopian tubes.
  • Ovarian reserve testing — Ovarian reserve testing helps the gynecologist determine the availability of the ovulation eggs. It often starts with early hormone testing and the menstrual cycle.
  • Miscellaneous hormone testing — The other evaluation tests involve checking ovulatory hormone levels and pituitary hormones responsible for reproduction.
  • Imaging tests — The doctor conducts imaging tests to check for pelvic ultrasound looks for uterine or ovarian disease. It is also called a sonohysterogram or saline infusion program to view the state of the uterus that you don’t find on a regular ultrasound.
  • Hysteroscopy — The doctor recommends a hysteroscopy test to conduct a uterine test considering your symptoms. The gynecologist would insert a thin-lighted device via the uterus cervix to examine any potential abnormalities.
  • Laparoscopy — Laparoscopy is a minimal and invasive surgery involving a small incision below your navel. In laparoscopy, a thin device gets inserted to examine the blockages or irregularities of the fallopian tubes, ovaries, uterus, and problems with ovaries and uterus.

The success rate of IVF

In vitro fertilization (IVF) became a ray of hope for infertile couples desperate to start a family. The doctor takes out the egg from the female body and the sperm from her partner’s body and reinserts it in the female’s uterus after combining them. The result differs from couple to couple and clinic to clinic. However, IVF does not guarantee you pregnancy as you need to consider some of the factors like:

  • Age
  • Duration of infertility
  • Type of infertility. (It may be primary or secondary)
  • Reason for infertility
  • The health or quality of sperm, egg, and embryo
  • Endometrial development
  • Luteal phase or post-transfer

The success rate of IVF in the case of young women across the globe is 40 percent. In India, the success rate varies from 30 to 35 percent.

Elixir Fertility is Delhi NCR’s well-known IVF Center with a team of experienced IVF specialists and embryologists who use advanced technologies to help the couple get a healthy child. We have centers worldwide that include the UK, Germany, and Singapore, other than India.




Written by ElixirFertility

Elixir Fertility is Best IVF Centre in Delhi NCR, Delivering Hope For Childless Couples, Meet Dr. PUNEET KOCHHAR

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